Client Satisfaction Form

Thank you very much for using Cherry Professional Limited. At Cherry Professional we take pride in providing an excellent service and in our ability to resolve any issues. As a valued customer we would be extremely grateful if you could take a few moments to complete our client satisfaction form.

Client Satisfaction Form

1) How happy were you with the overall service you received?
2) How well were the candidates briefed for their interview?
3) Please score us on our professionalism in handling the recruitment process:
4) How do we compare to our competitors in terms of level of service, speed, and quality?


The Temporary Solution: The Benefits of Temp Work

In today's fast-paced, ever-changing job market, the notion of a "job for life" is becoming increasingly rare. Instead, temporary work is stepping into the spotlight, offering a multitude of benefits for those seeking flexibility, career advancement, and new opportunities. So,...
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Beyond the Paycheck: The Drawbacks of Counter Offer Temptations

Picture this: you've just handed in your resignation, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation about your new job prospect. But then, your current employer throws a spanner in the works with a tempting counteroffer. Suddenly, you're faced with a...
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Leadership Matters: How Strong Leadership Enhances Employer Appeal

In today’s unpredictable times, strong leadership is more important than ever to ensure your business thrives. Yet research reveals 3 out of 4 firms report leadership deficiencies, with only one-third of staff feeling genuinely engaged. This stark leadership shortage threatens...
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