Candidate Satisfaction Form

Thank you very much for using Cherry Professional Limited. At Cherry Professional we take pride in providing an excellent service and in our ability to resolve any issues. As a valued customer we would be extremely grateful if you could take a few moments to complete our satisfaction form. Many thanks in advance.

Candidate Satisfaction Form

1) How happy were you with the overall service you received?
2) How helpful was the advice given?
3) How do we compare to our competitors?


5 Reasons the New Year is the Best Time to Apply for Jobs

The beginning of a new year often brings a sense of renewal and motivation. For many, it's the perfect time to set fresh goals and embrace new opportunities. If you're considering a career move, the early months can offer unique...
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How to Make Onboarding Accessible for Neurodivergent Employees

At Cherry Professional, the East Midlands' leading recruitment partner for Finance, HR, Marketing and, Business Support, we understand that onboarding is crucial for setting new employees up for success. This is particularly important for neurodivergent employees, who may have unique...
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How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent-Friendly

 In today's diverse workforce, creating an inclusive hiring process is not just a moral imperative—it's a strategic advantage. At Cherry Professional, the East Midlands' leading recruitment partner for Finance, HR, Marketing and Business Support, we understand the importance of adapting...
Read More about How to Make Your Hiring Process Neurodivergent-Friendly